Thursday, October 11, 2007

I'm back...

I've been back to Camp for about 5 days now, and wow, things are different.

1. People left! Friends left! Two I was prepared for, and we said our goodbyes before I went on leave, but the one was a complete surprise! My Navy girl left to head back to the states. We were able to meet up at the airbase in Kuwait before she shipped out.

2. I have a boss. Well, I've always had a boss, but he was in Baghdad. I'm no longer the team leader and I couldn't be happier! They finally found a major to take the senior LNO position, so I now find myself with zero responsibility and about 1/3 the workload I had before. This is fantastic. (of course I have responsibility, just not nearly as much as before)

3. Half the Koreans rotated about 3 days before I went on vacation. I know about 3 Koreans. That's it. And now that I have a boss, I don't have to go to the daily Korean meetings.

I really don't know what to do with myself. I finished up my final classes for my masters. So, no more school. I'll finish my resume and look for to the gym...learn violin...

Anyway. It is good to be back, only because I'm that much closer to finishing up my time here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yea! like you said, now on the countdown....