Sunday, November 25, 2007

Holiday Weekend

Happy (Late) Thanksgiving!

Not much going on here with me. I spent a week in Baghdad for some administrative stuff and now I'm in Mosul trying to take care of some contracting/money stuff. I've been living out of one bag for over a week now, and I'm ready to get back to my little 10x10 room in Irbil!

I was able to have Thanksgiving dinner with some friends I met back in January. We ate around 8pm at the big, big DFAC on Victory Base.

Here in Mosul, places are already decorated for Christmas. I think they're trying to make us feel better, but really, I think it just makes me feel even more isolated and lonely. I'll be home soon (52 days soon!) so I'm trying not to think about Holidays.

I've got 2 maybe maybe 3 more mail pushes, so please don't send anything more my way. I have enough things and whatnots to keep me stocked until I leave and leave behind for the rest of the group. I have enjoyed everyone's letters and packages this past year.

That's it for now!

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