Finally. Mail. We've only been waiting a month!
This is genius, let me tell you. Fuel and mail came last night and we knew we had a ton of mail - 7 pallets accoring to the mail peeps over at FOB A. There were about 7 of us ready to download the trailer. Its 0130 - 1:30 am for you non-military folks. We just want our mail. Well, the convoy people loaded our full of mail shipping container BACKWARDS on the flatbed. One of our guys said "Now, I'm not a load master, but the doors are blocked." We convinced the driver to drop the trailer, coordinated with the ROKs to forklift the container so we could open the door.
Good news. I had 18 packages. 18! I think that's a record.
Holy smokes, that definitely trumps my best day mail call day! Glad your packages finally showed, and hopefully ours made the trip.
Geoff and Cori
i laughed out loud when I saw that picture! It's like Christmas for you...
In college, we used to judge how much we were loved by how much mail we received. I'd say you're loved very much!
Wow! Now I don't feel so bad that I didn't send you anything this time around. Next time, I promise!
WOW! We both laughed looking at the picture, and really glad that you photgraphed it. took up a lot of the "room" I see. Looks like Christmas is late or early. We knew you would get a bunch, but it looks like the jackpot has been hit. I recognize some of the boxes. Check the edibles. I'm glad they arrived in time for the big day on Sunday the 8th.......Enjoy the goodies and I think there is enough to share.
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