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The CG hosted a dinner for the women officers, and invited me!
One ROK (male) officer theory on the girl dinner was that the women soldiers here don't get to have any fun. They have to live together in a concertina-wired section of the camp AND they don't get to wear shorts! I couldn't believe that. Anyway, this theory doesn't have much to back it up. While I was doing the KKFD preperations and whatnot, I was in the 'dressing room' with all the girls. A few English words here and there, but no real conversation. Though there was a lot of giggling.
I'm pretty sure that everyone thinks that Iraq is all desert and dust. And from other accounts, yes, its is the desert. But as the picture shows you, at least here in Irbil, we've to got grass. and weeds. and poppies. and these little yellow stalks.
It really is pretty here. There are mountains to the East - which people tell me is Iran. Yay. And the weather is still pleasant; all in all, no complaints.
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