Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Yikes, its been awhile since I've posted - I know this b/c the emails have been of the "haven't heard from you in awhile - you ok?" type. Apologies!

I'm up to my eyeballs in catch up work due to a quick trip to Mosul last week to take care of some other work before the end of the fiscal year. I ended up on a convoy with the border team, which, was a first. The convoy was fine, we didn't get blown up (yay!). I did get some teasing - one guy wasn't used to a girl-voice on the radio. Hmmph.

Getting away from my office was a nice break, but being in Mosul reminded me of the good things about Irbil and Camp Zaytun. The daily rocket attacks, the number of people be-bopping around, the constant noise from the airfield and generators - its QUIET at Zaytun.

Pictures soon...

1 comment:

ria+3 said...

Hey good to "hear" from you again!
It's "QUIET" here too — everyone went back to school!