Oh yes.
I have to admit, the 'donut of misery' isn't something I can claim to create - L, who also has her own little donut, sent it to me early in my deployment.
I did create my very own dorky spreadsheet to track my running. In conjunction with my Timex GPS system, I track to the 1000th of a mile how far I've run, my average pace and best speed for any given workout.
Anyway, if you noticed, July's mileage was an even 60 miles. The morning of the 31st I ran 4.539 miles which left my monthly mileage at 58.511. Guess what I did that afternoon at the gym? Ran 1.5 miles on the treadmill.
I am a dork.
I take back my comment on the "2 decimal places"!!!! Ya got that beat!.
So will you post the speadsheet? A little graph would set it off nicely.
As you know, I just don't "get running" (although I'm very fond of walking) so my question has nothing to do with that.
However, I am curious, did you take the photo of the running shoes w/ the new camera? It's a GREAT shot!
Carol, uh, no graph. Not that much of a dork. Though I might at some point!
Maria, yup, that's my new camera. Shot info: 50mm, f2.5, 1/25s, ISO1600. I love this camera!
Yea! Way to go NIKON I knew you would just love the camera. You thought that you had MANY PICS before! HA! Just wait
i feel left out of the Nikon digital camera club.
I'm sure the graph would be easy to do. You could use the "donut of misery" as a template.
And I'm a dork also. The last book I read was 'Pox'- a history of syphilis. I'm currently reading 'Vaccine'. Yup, the history of vaccination in America.
I'm not in the Nikon club yet, I have to buy a new stove instead. 6.5 years of excessive cooking/making tea has blown 2 burners and the control panel. Yup, it's cheaper to buy a new one! And since Noah dropped my point and shoot digital, I will have to take photos w/ my old Canon and use film! (horrors!)
As for dorky, remember, I'm the dork designing those medical covers!
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