Friday, August 3, 2007

Zaytun Park

Everyone gets this picture taken - when other Soldiers come here to visit, we take them to Zaytun park and make them crawl up on the letters. This picture of me was taken in April when its green and lush and pleasant. The park is built up on a hill and has some amazing views of the city to the east.

The past few days have been holding steady over 115F - that's stupid hot. Stupid hot, we've concluded, is so hot that just standing outside causes you break into this sweat. Its stupid.


ria+3 said...

115º???!!! yeah, that definitely qualifies as stupid hot. We hit 95º or so yesterday. We took the kids to a water park in CT. It was great fun. So sorry you aren't having fun. :-(

Unknown said...

Zatun 115 - Ouch! NY - 95 small ouch Dayton - 90 no match.....

Unknown said...

That was the you need the after....